With so many marketing tools available out there, it can be hard to make sense of your options. For example, what is indoor digital marketing, exactly? Keep reading to learn more and discover some useful tips to raise awareness of your brand.
What Is Indoor Digital Marketing?
Simply put, indoor digital marketing is a type of marketing that consists in displaying advertising messages in indoor spaces using electronic devices such as screens.
In general, indoor marketing is an effective way for brands to bring their message to the places where their audience spends their free time (for example, restaurants or cafes). Digital technology maximizes the power of indoor marketing making it even more attention-grabbing, granular, and targeted.
Other than the use of electronic devices, the underlying principles of indoor digital marketing are the same as those of conventional indoor marketing. Just like analog indoor marketing, indoor digital marketing boards are strategically placed in locations where people can’t miss them, such as vanity areas and bathrooms
Why Use Indoor Digital Marketing?
Simple explanations are rare in marketing but in this case, the answer is easy: indoor digital marketing gives you all the power of indoor marketing, plus the endless possibilities of digital technology, including:
- Changing your ads as often as you want
- Running multiple creatives
- Day-parting your ads
- Running static of full-motion ads
But what does this all mean? Imagine, for example, that you run an ad and then realize that you could increase the impact of your message just by tweaking the color of the text.
With a print ad, there’s not much you can do, but with a digital board, you can make changes on the fly and as often as you need to.
To learn more about indoor marketing, check out our previous blogs: “Print or Digital Advertising: Which One Should You Choose?” and “6 Benefits of Digital Restroom Advertising.”
The great news is that whether you decide to use digital or print indoor marketing, at Social Indoor, we have the solution that works for you!
Promote Your Business With Social Indoor
Whether it’s advertising job openings or growing your sales, Social Indoor can help you achieve your goals using indoor advertising.
We serve clients in Temecula, Murrieta, Wildomar, Lake Elsinore, Canyon Lake, and Menifee, California. Just call 951-395-4583 or fill out the contact form to get started!